Nathan Pitcairn @Pitcairn
Confédération Insulaire d'Ancore
Personnalité politique
Tommorow going to Mapete for a weekend trip full of economic and military agreement.Gonna visit the embassy, the memorial of the ancorian soldiers as well as our new base.Always good to see friends.

Jenifer LARACK @Jlarack
Personnalité politique
Because of covfefe

Tremaine Walcot @Twalcot
République de Mapete
Personnalité politique / Embêter les tyrans, et faire du shopping
@Pitcairn We'll sacrifice pigs in your honor and a haka will be reserved for you at the airbase then we'll go to Malapo found the damage of the volcanic eruption. Aloha my friend, my Saori bro'

Jenifer LARACK
Personnalité politique

Because of covfefe

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Tremaine Walcot @Twalcot
République de Mapete
Personnalité politique / Embêter les tyrans, et faire du shopping
@Pitcairn We'll sacrifice pigs in your honor and a haka will be reserved for you at the airbase then we'll go to Malapo found the damage of the volcanic eruption. Aloha my friend, my Saori bro'